Welcome to Uganda Tailors Association

Uganda Tailors Association (U.T.A) is a fully registered Non profit making organization, formed in May 2012

Uganda Tailors Association

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We are going to celebrate the World Tailors Day Celebrations on the 28th February 2023 at UMA Show grounds in Multipurpose hall. Entrance 10,000ugx .

For Bookings Call:

+256 701104619/0754393939/0772514217 


Email: ugtailors.org@gmail.com

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Why A Tailor Should Choose Us ?

benefit 1

Job linkages

benefit 2

Materials at cheaper Prices

benefit 3

Quick solutions to tax issues

benefit 4



World Tailors Day 28th February 2023.
The Ministry of trade, Industry and Co-operatives together with Uganda Tailors Association is organizing to celebrate the World Tailors Day on 28th February 2023 at UMA Show grounds Lugogo in multipurpose hall starting at 7am to 1pm under the theme: Supporting a Ugandan Tailor to promote import substitution.

Meeting with GIZ

GIZ an organization from German sent representatives to Uganda and they happened to visit Uganda Tailors Association offices. In the meeting they were also partnered with Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA). The meeting was mainly about issues regarding tailoring and the textile sector in general however the project is still at concept stage.

World Tailors Day Consultative meeting

We hosted a consultative meeting about the organization of this years World Tailors Day celebrations on 28th February 2023 at UMA Show grounds Lugogo. The meeting had so many different stakeholders including representatives from the Ministry of Trade and cooperatives. Many issues were discussed i.e. Service providers of the event, security, stage performances among others.


Uganda Revenue Authority to streamline taxation information for the textile sector in partnership with Uganda Tailors Association.

URA is preparing to create a taxation guide for textiles and garments to benefit the players in the sector. This was revealed during a recent meeting between URA and the Uganda Tailors Association (UTA) held recently in Nakawa. Follow link for more information https://thetaxman.ura.go.ug/ura-to-streamline-taxation-information-for-the-textile-sector/

UTA organised a tax education meeting in Mityana

The tax education meeting was held at Life Bridge and Vocational skilling centre in Mityana. The meeting was partnered with Uganda Revenue Authority representatives . This was intended to create a resilient and convenient working environment of tailors.

Upcoming Project with NYTIL

We are glad to inform you that we have an upcoming project that has solutions to the problems facing the tailoring industry with our mission of poverty eradication.

For more information Click here
Charitable Works

Continuing with our role of reaching out to the needy. After watching news of a woman who was in need Uganda Tailors Association team reached out to this woman and Pastor Bunjo where we donated a new manual sewing machine,sugar,salt, cooking oil,soap, posho and many more.

For more information visit: https://twitter.com/UgandaTailors/status/1423138178400194560?t=KUpUqScxUydstXVdDyYb5Q&s=19

Charitable Works

Uganda Tailors Association together with Associated Partners of Livestock distributors, Home Hunts Properties limited, Opportunity Bank, and CBS Pewosa, among others.

The support is the basket of food for the vulnerable and needy in this Covid-19 pandemic lockdown countrywide.

The donation was handed over at the Uganda Tailors Association office in Mpererwe, Kawempe division in Kampala.

For more information visit: https://www.newvision.co.ug/articledetails/109752

World Tailors Day

Uganda Tailors association discovered the world tailors day which was being celebrated every year on 28th February in Asia (India).  The association therefore decided to start celebrating the day in Uganda and it was first of its kind in East Africa. The association hopefully seeks to the government of Uganda to make this day a public holiday because the meaning of it is to appreciate the work of Tailors worldwide.

Uganda Tailors Association trained a number of people through its skills upgrade program with the support of Private Sector Foundation (PSFU) and Skill Development Fund (SDF)

Uganda Tailors Association

A group photo of assessors at Vocational Training Insitute Ntinda.

A summarized photo of assessors and tailors. 

On Sunday 31/jan/2021 Uganda Tailors Association international assessors 

practiced what they were taught  at Ntinda Vocational Training institute.

Tailors Anthem

Uganda Tailors Association introduced a tailors Anthem in Uganda in 2020 . 

Short details about the Anthem . 

The anthem credits about the people who inveted tailoring and also rejoice for the job of tailoring 

tailors anthem

Training of International assessors

Uganda Tailors Association in partnership with MAMZA managed to stage a training of international assessors

Chairman at Kaboozi FM 87.9FM
Uganda TailorsAssociaitionEmpowering Tailors

Chairman on Kaboozi FM 87.9FM

Tailors Party

Uganda tailors association organised a tailor's end of year party on 17th/12/2020 at the association's head office located at mpererwe tula road kiyanja zone.

Tailors at the party
Tailors Party on UBC TV powered by Uganda Tailors Association on 17th December 2020
Tailors Party on Spark TV powered by Uganda Tailors Association on 17th December 2020

A free training program

Uganda Tailors Association skilled a number of tailors accompanied with the support of Skills Development Facility  (SDF) and Private Sector Foundation (PSFU)

A group photo of Uganda Tailors Association members who are under a skills upgrade program 

Chairman briefing the students

Chairman Mr Ssekimpi Phillip Kakembo briefing students about the different courses the are going to be taught. 

UTA Members During Class

Students were put into groups of five and were given different tasks

The Launch of the Uganda Tailors Association
Head Office Located at Mpererwe Kiyanja Zone 23a Kanyanya 3212, Kampala


UTA membership is voluntary and registration is done from village zone with the help of coordinators through the CDO to register members.

Arbitration and conflict resolution among tailors and their customers.

Skills upgrade to improve the tailoring skills among tailors.

Market linkage through trainings on quality production

Financial and material support through proving linkage and recommendation ..


UTA membership is voluntary and registration is done from village zone with the help of coordinators through the CDO to register members.


These are some of our head office team members 

Click and watch (UTA) Video updates here

Call Us or Fill the Form

+256 772514217
Don’t hesitate to contact us
+256 754393939
Don’t hesitate to contact us

Office Address
KIYANJA ZONE , TULA ROAD 23a Kanyanya 3212, Kampala

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Ugand Tailors Association